What is Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)?

Personal accident insurance (PAI) is a type of insurance coverage that provides financial protection in the event of an accident that results in bodily injury or death. Personal accident insurance can provide valuable financial protection in the event of unforeseen accidents.

Advantage of PAI under SVY

Protection for -
Student 10,000 to 1 lakh,
Mother 10,000 to 1 lakh,
Father 10,000 to 1 lakh

Digital Platform : Easy to Apply

Claim Settlement : 90 Days to 120 Days

Terms and Conditions Apply

Basic Terms and Conditions


  1. If the insured person dies as a direct result of an accident covered by the policy, a lump sum benefit is paid to insured person's nomnee. This is often a substantial sum intended to provide financial support to the deceased person's family.
  2. If the insured person becomes permanently and totally disabled due to an accident, the policy may pay a lump sum benefit. Permanent total disability typically means the insured person is unable to engage in any gainful employment for the rest of their life.

Not Cover

  1. Self-Inflicted Injuries: Injuries or disabilities that are self-inflicted are typically not covered by personal accident insurance.
  2. Pre-Existing Conditions: Personal accident insurance typically does not cover injuries or disabilities related to pre-existing medical conditions that were not disclosed at the time of policy purchase.
  3. Illness: Personal accident insurance is designed to cover accidents, not illnesses. Therefore, medical conditions or injuries resulting from illness are usually not covered.
  4. War and Terrorism: Injuries or disabilities resulting from acts of war, terrorism, or warlike operations are typically excluded.
  5. Under the Influence: Accidents that occur while the insured person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs not prescribed by a medical professional may not be covered.
  6. Criminal Acts: Injuries resulting from an insured person's participation in a criminal act may be excluded from coverage.
  7. Motor Racing: Participation in organized motor racing events, whether as a driver or passenger, is usually not covered.
  8. Natural Death

Documents required for PAI

Cliam form

Photo of Death Ceremony

Death Certificate

Doctor's report, Bill

Police Report/Post-mortem report

Any other Relevant document if Any

Bank Details

Note:- 1. Claim settelment depend on Insurance provider.
2. AIDS or HIV or Other STD not cover.
3. If you don't renewal on the policy automatic expire.
4. Any Kind of fraud found then all service going to cancel.